General Terms & Conditions
- Tickets to NZ Barok’s concerts can be bought through iTICKET (NB Booking and transaction fees will apply).
- NZ Barok reserves the right to change artists or programmes without notice.
- Refunds are possible if due to concert cancellation/postponement by NZ Barok a ticket holder is unable to attend. NZ Barok will refund tickets as required to by law through iTICKET. NB Booking and transaction fees will not be refunded.
- Children aged 12 years and under must be accompanied by and sit with an adult at concerts.
- Ticket holders have the option of printing off or showing their tickets on their mobile phone at the venue when entering the concert.
- Ticket discounts do not apply to additional concert tickets purchased as door sales.
- NZ Barok is no longer offering Subscriptions.
- Any changes of day attending must be organised with iTICKET
- Single ticket purchases are available through iTICKET. Book online at or phone 09 361 1000.
- Early bird tickets are available through iTICKET for a limited time period.
- Friends of NZ Barok and NZ Barok Premium Supporters memberships are an annual membership from 1 January 2024 – 31 December 2024.
- Memberships are non-refundable and are not tax deductible due to being a membership rather than a donation.
- Memberships do not include concert tickets. Tickets are sold through iTICKET or at the door on the days of the concerts.
- Memberships do include reserved seating at concerts for members only.
- Memberships are transferable if unable to be used by a member/s. NZ Barok must be informed if this needs to occur via
- Bookings for NZ Barok’s Baby Baroque Free Kids’ Concerts can be made through Eventbrite
- NZ Barok greatly appreciates your donations. Donations can be made directly to NZ Barok’s bank account: 03 1503 0422007 00 with reference “Donate”. Please email NZ Barok at if you would like a receipt. Donations over NZ$5.00 are tax deductable. NZ Barok is recognised as a Charitable Entity under the Charities Act 2005. Registration number CC44289.