Home Upcoming - NZ Barok 2024 Past Winter Baroque Academy

Winter Baroque Academy


Faculty of Education and Social Work

Other Locations

Building 201
The University of Auckland


Jun 30 2024


9:30 am - 6:00 pm

Practical sessions on baroque instruments
Orchestral rehearsals and informal concert
Lectures and demonstrations
Instruments offered: violin, viola, cello and double bass

Join members of NZ Barok for an intensive three-day course this Matariki Weekend. This is a professional development opportunity on baroque instruments (or modern with baroque bows) in a welcoming and friendly environment. The history, theory, and practical application of baroque performance principals will be covered. The weekend will comprise lectures, demonstrations, orchestra sessions and a masterclass opportunity, culminating in a final informal concert on the Sunday. Repertoire will include works by Corelli, Purcell, Vivaldi, Telemann, Rameau, Lully and Biber. Baroque instruments and bows will be available to try. Morning and afternoon tea is provided.

COST $300 total
OBSERVER $50/day
LOCATION Faculty of Education and Social Work, The University of Auckland, Building 201. Access via Wynyard Street, CBD
DATES Matariki Weekend JUNE 28 – 30 2024

Contact Miranda Hutton miranda.hutton@nzbarok.org.nz to register your interest and see if this academy is the right fit for you! Aimed at professional and university level players (or advanced secondary school students), this workshop will equip participants with a thorough starting basis in baroque performance methodology and practice. Entry is by audition. Please submit a video of two short contrasting movements of a baroque work, performed on baroque or modern instrument. Submissions close on 31st May.

This academy is made possible with the support of REMU’s Frank Carpay Memorial Fund Scholarship

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