5 August, St. Andrews on the Terrace, Wellington
6-7 August, St. Luke’s Church Remuera, Auckland
WA Mozart, Divertimento in F major (K138 Salzburg 1772)
WF Bach, Suite in G minor
CPE Bach, Symphony in E minor (Wq 177)
FJ Haydn, Cello Concerto in C major (Hoboken VIIb:1)

REviews, Interviews & Press coverage

Middle C: Diverting, accomplished, baroque concert from Auckland’s NZBarok on a cold night (Reviewer: Rosemary Collier) St. Andrew’s on The Terrace, Wellington, 5th August 2016.
(Haydn Cello Concerto in C major) “It was a very skillful performance; the brilliant playing in this work was not only from the soloist.  It evoked a deservedly enthusiastic response from the largely young, and very attentive, audience. …a gratifying end to a fine concert.”
RNZ Concert FM Upbeat: Guest appearance with NZ Barok (Interview with Daniel Yeadon)
NZ Herald: Cello Charms
Voxy.co.nz:  Cello Charms headed to Wellington and Auckland

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